Glasshouse Quarry

About the resource

Glasshouse Quarry is mapped as a Key Resource Area (KRA) by the State and Council. This recognises the importance of the resource to the community and industry.

KRA legislation recognises and protects high quality resources, as well as providing appropriate separation distances from other land uses.

Our materials are sourced from underground igneous rock. They are very durable and meet the highest safety and hardness specifications.

The need to source construction materials from local sources

Quarry resources are fixed within the ground and need to be accessed where they formed through geological processes millions of years ago.

Accessing local, affordable construction materials is a critical need of the many construction and infrastructure projects currently underway or proposed for the Sunshine Coast.

As quarried materials are heavy and require transport and labour, materials need to be sourced as close as possible to markets to ensure affordable construction materials.

  • Glasshouse Quarry
  • Glasshouse Quarry